I had a layover in Hong Kong, so I ran into the city and shot some images of the protests. They’re smaller than they were, but still quite powerful.
You may remember that I declared email bankruptcy in January. Here’s how it’s been going…
This InterVarsity alumnus is making excellent music, finding success, and keeping his head on straight. He’s currently got the #2 rap album in the nation, #13 overall.
Social media…can anything good come from there? A new book tries proposes an approach that is theological rooted.
You hate email. As a result, people hate you. Stop the insanity. Read this post.
First things first–you are a horrible person.
As an idea guy, there’s a skill I really need. Anybody got any advice on how to get it?
I said some kind of provocative things while speaking on this panel. Let me know what you think of the first few minutes.
‘Tis the season…but what about when it’s not all shiny and bright?
Read this. Your coworkers will thank you.