Take Your Vitamin ZJohn Dickson
Take Your Vitamin ZSeth GodinGlobal Leadership Summit
Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter-McNeilGlobal Leadership Summit
Carl Medearisreally frustrated with other Christians squabblingGlobal Leadership Summit of the Willow Creek Association
op-ed that came out last nightInterVarsityUrbana
World AssemblyInternational Fellowship of Evangelical StudentsAuschwitz
World Assembly IFES@jamesdoc@Andy_Shudall @lovingmercy
Why Evangelicals Should Stop Evangelizing.”World AssemblyInternational Fellowship of Evangelical ChristiansInterVarsity Christian FellowshipUrbana Student Missions ConferenceJesus said you had to give up everything in order to follow him.World Visionhow we converse about serious and personal issuesMatthew 10:34Speaking of Jesus: the Art of Not-Evangelism
InterVarsity/USAeducation, business, politics, media, families, the Church, and elsewhereInternational Fellowship of Evangelical Studentsand that number is decreasingWorld Assembly